MS#11 Comparison of the Airtraq and Truview to the Macintosh for use by Advanced Paramedics
BMC Emergency Medicine
Sajid Nasim*1, Galway University Hospitals, Ireland
Results: The Airtraq® reduced the number of optimization manoeuvres and reduced the potential for dental trauma when compared to the Macintosh, in both the normal and simulated difficult intubation scenarios. In contrast, the Truview® increased the duration of intubation attempts, and required a greater number of optimization manoeuvres, compared to both the Macintosh and Airtraq® devices.
Conclusion: The Airtraq® laryngoscope performed more favourably than the Macintosh andTruview® devices when used by Paramedics in this manikin study. Further studies are required toextend these findings to the clinical setting.
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