Airtraq - Guided video intubation

Clinical studies

CR#29 Intubation with an Airtraq of a 7-year-old child with severe cervical burned sequels

Annales Franςaises dÁnesthñesie et Reanimation 28 (2009) 392-400
C.Lejus, CHU de Nantes, France

Ventilation through face mask was difficult and required using two hands without pressing the maxilar bone.

Previous intubation of the patient took 5 minutes and a Frova stylet was needed. The patient  was a  Cormack 3.
Preoperative examination  determined an important limitation of the cerv ical extension  and the initubation  was  predicted as difficult.

The pediatric  Airtraq is used as a first intubation option without any direct laryngoscopy attemp.

Glottis visualization is perfect  and a 5.5 cuffed ETT is performed in less than 30 seconds at the first attemp.

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