Airtraq Plus VL
Channeled VL
AIRTRAQ SP: Ready to use
AIRTRAQ AVANT: For routine intubations
Wi-Fi Camera
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How Channel simplifies Video Laryngoscopy
Clinical evidence
Airtraq SP Clinical Cases Summary
Key clinical studies
Channeled VL Technique
Instructional videos
Training portal
Where to buy
Airtraq Plus VL
Channeled VL
AIRTRAQ SP: Ready to use
AIRTRAQ AVANT: For routine intubations
Wi-Fi Camera
Other visualization options
Max View
How Channel simplifies Video Laryngoscopy
Clinical evidence
Airtraq SP Clinical Cases Summary
Key clinical studies
Channeled VL Technique
Instructional videos
Training portal
Where to buy
Clinical Studies Channeled VL
View all
Key clinical studies
Advanced Techniques
Awake patients
Difficult Airways
Double Lumen
General & Vs. Direct Laryngoscopy
Learning Curve
Obese & Obstretics
Prehospital & Military
Traumatized patients
Versus other VL
Traumatized patients
CS#50 Comparative Meta Analysis VLs vs DL Cervical inmobilization
CR#02 Tracheal intubation in polytraumatized patients using the Airtraq laryngoscope
CR#07 Emergency use of the Airtraq laryngoscope in traumatic asphyxia: case report
CR#08 A managed case of difficult intubation with Airtraq
CR#10 Experience with a patient having multiple gunshot wounds in combat
CR#21 The Airtraq laryngoscope in severe ankylosing spondylitis
CS#04 Endotracheal Intubation in Patients with Cervical Spine Immobilization
CS#09 A comparison of cervical spine movement during laryngoscopy using the Airtraq or Macintosh
CS#10 C-Spine Movement Macintosh vs. Airtraq
CS#11 Comparison of Cervical Spine Movement using the Airtraq versus Macintosh Blade
CS#18 Use of the Airtraq in the difficult airway
CS#37 Tracheal intubation using the Airtraq in difficult airway
CS#42 Comparison of the C-MAC, Airtraq, and Macintosh laryngoscopes in patients
CS#58 Effect of rigid cervical collar on tracheal intubation using Airtraq
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