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AIRTRAQ AVANT: For routine intubations
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Airtraq Plus VL
Channeled VL
AIRTRAQ SP: Ready to use
AIRTRAQ AVANT: For routine intubations
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Clinical Studies Channeled VL
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Key clinical studies
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Difficult Airways
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General & Vs. Direct Laryngoscopy
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Obese & Obstretics
Prehospital & Military
Traumatized patients
Versus other VL
Clinical studies
CS#63 Airtraq vs Macintosh in obese patients placed in the ramped position
CS#72 Airtraq vs GlideScope for double-lumen tube intubation
CS#46 Airtraq for routine intubation in high-risk cardiosurgical patients
CS#50 Comparative Meta Analysis VLs vs DL Cervical inmobilization
CS#33 Paediatric Airtraq for adult nasal intubation in anaesthetized patients
CS#44 The Learning Curve for Laryngoscopy: Airtraq Versus Macintosh Laryngoscopes
CS#47 The Use of Airtraq in an Alternate Teaching Approach to Learning Direct Laryngoscopy
CS#48 Use of the Airtraq by inexperienced physicians supervised
CS#59 Teaching tracheal intubation: Airtraq is superior to Macintosh laryngoscope
MS#02 Learning and performance of tracheal intubation by novice personne
CS#41 An Algorithm for Difficult Airway Management, Modified for Modern Optical Devices
MS#06 Nasotraqueal Intubation Using the Airtraq versus Macintosh Laryngoscope
MS#07 Pentax-AWS (Airtraq Scope) and Airtraq: big difference between two similar devices
MS#10 Comparison of the Glidescope, the McGrath, the Airtraq and the Macintosh laryngoscopes
MS#13 Comparison of Use of the Airtraq with Direct Laryngoscopy
MS#14 Success of Intubation by novice users
MS#16 Tracheal intubation in daylight and in the dark
MS#17 Comparison of the C-MAC videolaryngoscope with the Macintosh, Glidescope and Airtraq
MS#19 Comparison of optic laryngoscope: Airtraq and Miller laryngoscope
MS#22 Forces applied by the laryngoscope blade onto the tongue during intubation attempts
MS#24 Efficacy of the Airtraq laryngoscope
MS#25 Success rates and endotracheal tube insertion times of experienced emergency physicians
MS#26 Simulating face-to-face tracheal intubation of a trapped patient
CS#24 Airtraq in a 5-month-old infant with a difficult airway because of Robin Sequence
CS#25 Pediatric Airtraq in a patient with Treacher Collins syndrome
CS#43 Airtraq vs Macintosh for nasal intubation
MS#05 Airtraq vs standard laryngoscopy
CR#20 Airtraq laryngoscope for bronchial blocker placement in a difficult airway
CS#06 The Airtraq for placement of double-lumen endobronchial tube
CR#04 Use of the Airtraq for anticipated difficult laryngoscopy.
CR#09 The Airtraq to facilitate endotracheal tube exchange in a critically ill
CR#13 Insertion of a transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) probe
CR#14 Use of the Airtraq with fibreoptic bronchoscope in a difficult intubation
CR#15 Airtraq as an Intubating Conduit (Airtraq + Fibrescope)
CR#34 In case of difficult intubation with the Airtraq: The gum elastic bougie may assist
CR#35 The Airtraq laryngoscope for emergency tracheal intubation
CR#38 Combined Use of an Airtraq and a Fibreoptic Bronchoscope
CS#05 A comparison of two techniques for inserting the Airtraq laryngoscope
CS#15 Optimising tracheal intubation success rate using the Airtraq laryngoscope
CS#19 Use of the nasotracheal Airtraq to assist difficult nasal fibreoptic intubation
CS#20 Airtraq laryngoscope for bronchial blocker placement in a difficult airway
CS#22 Airway topical anesthesia using the Airtraq in patients with difficult airways
CS#28 The Pediatric Airtraq, a Possible Solution for the Treacher Collins’ Airway
MS#01 Evaluation of intubation using the Airtraq or Macintosh laryngoscope
MS#08 A comparative study of Endotracheal Intubation
MS#09 In-line head and neck position is preferable for tracheal intubation
MS#19 Comparison of optic laryngoscope: Airtraq and Miller laryngoscope
MS#20 Airtraq placement first technique may shorten endotracheal intubation time
MS#23 Comparison of four Airway Devices on Cervical Spine Alignment in a Cadaver Model
CS#14 Airtraq tracheal intubation by novice laryngoscopists
CS#21 The Airtraq laryngoscope in severe ankylosing spondylitis
CS#30 Successful intubation of a child with Goldenhar syndrome
CS#32 Two consecutive uses of Infant Airtraq in anticipated difficult intubation
CR#26 Airtraq for intubation in Treacher Collins syndrome
CR#28 The Pediatric Airtraq, a Possible Solution for the Treacher Collins’ Airway
CR#29 Intubation with an Airtraq of a 7-year-old child with severe cervical burned sequels
CR#30 Successful intubation of a child with Goldenhar syndrome using an Airtraq
CR#31 Airtraq optical laryngoscope: initial clinical experience in 20 children
CR#32 Two consecutive uses of Infant Airtraq in anticipated difficult intubation
CR#39 Pediatric Airtraq for Airway Rescue in a Developing World Setting
CR#41 Difficult intubation in an infant with Hallermann–Streiff syndrome–easy with Airtraq laryngosc
CS#45 A randomised, controlled trial comparing the AirtraqTM optical laryngoscope
CS#49 Airtraq vs Storz for children intubation
MS#18 Comparison of the Airtraq and Truview to the Macintosh
CR#33 Paediatric Airtraq for adult nasal intubation in anaesthetized patients
CS#16 Awake intubation with Airtraq laryngoscope in patients with anticipated difficult airway
CR#36 Intubation with Airtraq laryngoscope in a morbidly obese patient
CS#12 Airtraq vs Macintosh. Intubation of morbidly obese patients
CS#17 Use of the Airtraq as a rescue airway device
CS#27 Awake Intubation with Airtraq Laringoscope in morbidly obese patient with difficult airway
CR#06 Airtraq for Awake Traqueal Intubation
CS#23 Awake tracheal intubation using the Airtraq
CR#02 Tracheal intubation in polytraumatized patients using the Airtraq laryngoscope
CR#07 Emergency use of the Airtraq laryngoscope in traumatic asphyxia: case report
CR#08 A managed case of difficult intubation with Airtraq
CR#10 Experience with a patient having multiple gunshot wounds in combat
CR#21 The Airtraq laryngoscope in severe ankylosing spondylitis
CS#04 Endotracheal Intubation in Patients with Cervical Spine Immobilization
CS#09 A comparison of cervical spine movement during laryngoscopy using the Airtraq or Macintosh
CS#10 C-Spine Movement Macintosh vs. Airtraq
CS#11 Comparison of Cervical Spine Movement using the Airtraq versus Macintosh Blade
CS#18 Use of the Airtraq in the difficult airway
CS#37 Tracheal intubation using the Airtraq in difficult airway
CS#42 Comparison of the C-MAC, Airtraq, and Macintosh laryngoscopes in patients
CS#58 Effect of rigid cervical collar on tracheal intubation using Airtraq
CR#03 Intubation using the Airtraq in patients with maxillary fracture
CS#36 Intubation with Airtraq laryngoscope in a morbidly obese patient.
CS#57 Successful Airtraq Use in an Air Medical Transport System
MS#03 Tracheal intubation by inexperienced medical residents
MS#04 Use of the Airtraq laryngoscope in a model of difficult intubation
MS#11 Comparison of the Airtraq and Truview to the Macintosh for use by Advanced Paramedics
MS#12 Airway Management At Floor Level: A Comparison Of Tracheal Intubation
CR#24 Airtraq in a 5-month-old infant with a difficult airway because of Robin Sequence
CR#25 Pediatric Airtraq in a patient with Treacher Collins syndrome
CS#01 A comparison of tracheal intubation using the Airtraq or the Macintosh laryngoscope
CS#03 The Macintosh Laryngoscope vs. the New Airtraq Device
CS#29 Intubation with an Airtraq of a 7-year-old child with severe cervical burned sequels
CS#31 Airtraq optical laryngoscope: initial clinical experience in 20 children
CS#40 Airtraq Laryngoscope versus conventional Macintosh laryngoscope
MS#15 Airtraq advantage for presbyopic anaesthetists
MS#21 Efficacy of the Airtraq laryngoscope
CR#05 The Airtraq as a rescue airway device following failed direct laryngoscopy: a case series
CR#11 Use of the Airtraq as the primary technique to manage anticipated difficult airway
CR#16 Awake intubation with Airtraq laryngoscope in patients with anticipated difficult airway
CR#17 Use of the Airtraq as a rescue airway device
CR#18 Use of the Airtraq in the difficult airway
CR#19 Use of the nasotracheal Airtraq to assist difficult nasal fibreoptic intubation
CR#22 Airway topical anesthesia using the Airtraq in patients with difficult airways
CR#23 Awake tracheal intubation using the Airtraq: a case series
CR#37 Tracheal intubation using the Airtraq in difficult airway
CR#40 Patient-inserted awake Airtraq assisted intubation
CS#02 Laryngoscopy vs. Optical Stylet vs. Airtraq for Extubation Evaluation
CS#07 Airtraq vs Macintosh in difficult airways
CS#08 The Airtraq Experiences with a New Disposable Device for Orotracheal Intubation
CS#13 Success of Orotracheal Intubation with the Airtraq Optical Laryngoscope
CS#26 Airtraq for intubation in Treacher Collins syndrome
CS#34 In case of difficult intubation with the Airtraq: The gum elastic bougie may assist
CS#35 The Airtraq laryngoscope for emergency tracheal intubation.
CS#38 Combined Use of an Airtraq and a Fibreoptic Bronchoscope After Failed Tracheal Intubation
CS#39 Pediatric Airtraq for Airway Rescue in a Developing World Setting
CR#01 Tracheal Intubation Using the Airtraq in Morbid Obese Patients undergoing Emergency Cesarean Delivery
CR#12 Awake Intubation with Airtraq Laryngoscope in a Morbidly Obese Patient
CR#27 Awake Intubation with Airtraq Laringoscope in morbidly obese patient with difficult airway
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